Provides various services for managing channels.

Edit Channel Participation

Edits the participation of a given account in a company channel.
If only the enabled flag is given, the availabilities are not changed. Otherwise, if only oddWeeks or evenWeeks are provided, but none of the weekdays, the account is assumed to be present on every weekday. If only single weekday parameters are passed, the account is considered to be absent on the days not specified.

GET JSON /api/channel-member
Name Description Required Example
accountEmail E-mail address of the user. Their account must belong to your company, and it must not be locked. true
channel Identifier of a channel belonging to your company. true 968AIDVRHOMHBO19G7AIT7AHH0
companyId Identifier of your company as shown on the profile page. true JSOM3ACS72QAJ2I1IM1D5VNFGR
key Access key computed from your company's API access parameters. The value can also be provided in the Authorization HTTP header. See Authentifizierung for details. true 6386086c1280c0f76b2c6cfbd3acd4dc21354f21495bd0091706aa3a738e1177
enabled Flag enabling or disabling the user's participation. Defaults to true if not specified. false true
evenWeeks Enables the user's participation in even weeks. false true
friday Enables the user's participation on fridays. false true
monday Enables the user's participation on mondays. false true
oddWeeks Enables the user's participation in odd weeks. false true
saturday Enables the user's participation on saturdays. false true
sunday Enables the user's participation on sundays. false true
thursday Enables the user's participation on thursdays. false true
tuesday Enables the user's participation on tuesdays. false true
wednesday Enables the user's participation on wednesdays. false true
Description Example
200 Successful response.
Content-Type: application/json
   "success": true,
   "error": false,
   "message": "The changes have been saved"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json